TI公司的CC110L是低成本的小于1GHz(300 - 348 MHz,387 - 464 MHz和779 - 928 MHz)的RF收发器,两个CC110L收发器可构成低成本的双向RF链接.RF收发器集成了高度可配置的基带调制解调器,支持各种调制格式(2-FSK, 4-FSK, GFSK和OOK),数据速率从0.6 到600 kbps可编程,输出功率可编程,高达+12dBm,在0.6kbps时的接收灵敏度为-116dBm,主要用在无线告警和安全系统,工业监视和控制,遥控,玩具, 家庭和建筑物自动化灯.本文介绍了CC110L主要特性, 简化方框图, 典型应用和315/433MHz和868/915MHz评估电路图与材料清单, CC110LEM 868/915 MHz参考设计和电路图,材料清单,以及CC11xLDK-868-915开发板主要特性,电路图.
The CC110L is a cost optimized sub-1 GHz RF transceiver for the 300 - 348 MHz,387 - 464 MHz, and 779 - 928 MHz frequency bands. The circuit is based on the popular CC1101 RF transceiver, and RF performance characteristics are identical. Two CC110L transceivers together enable a low cost bidirectional RF link.
The RF transceiver is integrated with a highly configurable baseband modem. The modem supports various modulation formats and has a configurable data rate up to 600 kbps.
CC110L provides extensive hardware support for packet handling, data buffering and burst transmissions.
The main operating parameters and the 64- byte receive and transmit FIFOs of CC110L can be controlled via an SPI interface. In a typical system, the CC110L will be used together with a microcontroller and a few additional passive components.
RF Performance
Programmable output power up to +12dBm
Receive sensitivity down to −116 dBm at 0.6 kbps
Programmable data rate from 0.6 to 600 kbps
Frequency bands: 300 - 348 MHz, 387 - 464 MHz, and 779 - 928 MHz
2-FSK, 4-FSK, GFSK, and OOK supported
Digital Features
Flexible support for packet oriented systems;
On-chip support for sync word detection, flexible packet length, and automatic CRC Calculation
Low-Power Features
200 nA sleep mode current consumption
Fast start-up time; 240 μs from sleep to RX or TX mode
64-byte RX and TX FIFO
Improved Range using CC1190
The CC1190 [13] is a range extender for 850 - 950 MHz and is an ideal fit for CC110L
to enhance RF performance High sensitivity
o –118 dBm at 1.2 kBaud, 868 MHz, 1% packet error rate
o –120 dBm at 1.2 kBaud, 915 MHz, 1% packet error rate
+20 dBm output power at 868 MHz
+26 dBm output power at 915 MHz
Few external components; Completely onchip frequency synthesizer, no external filters or RF switch needed
Green package: RoHS compliant and no antimony or bromine
Small size (QLP 4x4 mm package, 20 pins)
Suited for systems targeting compliance with EN 300 220 V2.3.1 (Europe) and FCC
CFR Part 15 (US)
Support for asynchronous and synchronous serial transmit mode for backwards compatibility with existing radio communication protocols
Ultra low-power wireless applications operating in the 315/433/868/915 MHz ISM/SRD bands
Wireless alarm and security systems
Industrial monitoring and control
Remote Controls
Home and building automation





CC110LEM 868/915 MHz参考设计
The CC110LEM 868/915MHz reference design contains schematics and layout files for the CC110LEM module used in the Value Line development kit. The reference design demonstrates good techniques for CC110L decoupling and RF layout. For optimum RF performance, these parts should be copied accurately. This is a 2-layer reference design with a discrete balun and two antenna options:
A small and compact PCB helix antenna that will be useful for applications requiring a high antenna efficiency in a compact area. The 868 MHz PCB helix antenna is only 19 x 12 mm (L x W) and has an efficiency ~70 %. By changing 2 discrete component values, this antenna can also be matched to 915MHz.
A PCB footprint for a single ended 50 ohm antenna. The RF section is designed for operation in the 868 MHz and 915 MHz frequency bands.

图5. CC110LEM 868/915 MHz参考设计电路图
CC110L EM 868 MHz Rev 1.0材料清单见:
The CC11xLDK-868-915 development kit provides a complete hardware performance testing and software development platform for TI’s Sub-1 GHz Value Line. The development kit comes with a pre-programmed packet error rate test. RF range and robustness can be tested with different RF settings, and powerconsumption can be measured easily. This kit supports 868MHz and 915MHz. An extra Evaluation Module Kit (CC11XLEMK-433) is needed to evaluate 433MHz.
The TrxEB, Transceiver Evaluation Board, contains an MSP430 and the following peripherals for prototyping applications:
MSP430F5438 MCU
USB interface
Dot matrix LCD 128 x 64
3 axis digital accelerometer
Light sensor
2 x CC110L Evaluation Modules 868/915 MHz
1 x CC113L Evaluation Module 868/915 MHz
1 x CC115L Evaluation Module 868/915 MHz
2 x SmartRF Transceiver Evaluation Board (TrxEB) for radio performance testing
MSP430 debugger tool for software development
The evaluation modules use a Helical PCB-antenna
Complete RF reference designs and source-code for all software examples are available online
MSP430 pre-programmed with packet error rate test for out-of-the box range- and performance testing
Supports SmartRF Studio
Works with 868 and 915 (433 MHz, see CC11XLEMK-433)

图6. SmartRF™ 收发器评估板EB (TrxEB)外形图

图7.SmartRF TrxEB架构图

图8. SmartRF™ 收发器评估板EB (TrxEB 1.5.0)电路图(1)

图9. SmartRF™ 收发器评估板EB (TrxEB 1.5.0)电路图(2)

图10. SmartRF™ 收发器评估板EB (TrxEB 1.5.0)电路图(3)

图11. SmartRF™ 收发器评估板EB (TrxEB 1.5.0)电路图(4)

图12. SmartRF™ 收发器评估板EB (TrxEB 1.5.0)电路图(5)

图13. SmartRF™ 收发器评估板EB (TrxEB 1.5.0)电路图(6)

图14. SmartRF™ 收发器评估板EB (TrxEB 1.5.0)电路图(7)