TI公司的TRF7970A是用于13.56MHz RFID/NFC近场通信系统的模拟前端和数据帧器件,可工作于三种模式之一:RFID/NFC阅读器,NFC对等和模拟卡片模式.器件工作电压2.7 -5.5 VDC,支持NFC标准NFCIP-1 (ISO/IEC 18092)和NFCIP-2 (ISO/IEC 21481),完全集成了ISO15693, ISO15693, ISO18000-3, ISO14443A/B, FeliCa协议处理,内置的用户可配置编程选择使TRF7970A适合于广泛的应用如移动设备(平板电脑,手机等),安全配对(蓝牙, WiFi等),护照或POS读系统,短程无线通信任务,产品辩认或鉴定,医疗设备,接入控制,数字门锁,电子交易卡共享等.本文介绍了TRF7970A主要特性,方框图, 应用框图和应用电路,以及TRF7970A EVM评估模块主要特性, 应用框图和嵌入系统框图.
The TRF7970A is an integrated analog front end and data-framing device for a 13.56-MHz RFID/Near Field Communication system. Built-in programming options make it suitable for a wide range of applications for proximity and vicinity identification systems.
It can perform in one of three modes: RFID/NFC Reader, NFC Peer, or in Card Emulation mode. Built-in user-configurable programming options make it suitable for a wide range of applications.
The TRF7970A is configured by selecting the desired protocol in the control registers. Direct access to all control registers allows fine tuning of various reader parameters as needed.

• Mobile Devices (Tablets, Handsets, etc.)
• Secure Pairing (Bluetooth, WiFi, Other Paired Wireless Networks)
• Public Transport or Event Ticketing
• Passport or Payment (POS) Reader Systems
• Short Range Wireless Communication Tasks (Firmware Updates)
• Product Identification or Authentication
• Medical Equipment or Consumables
• Access Control, Digital Door Locks
• Sharing of Electronic Business Cards

图1. TRF7970A 方框图

图2. TRF7970A应用框图

图3. TRF7970A应用电路图:并行MCU接口

图4. TRF7970A应用电路图:带SS模式MCU接口的SPI
The TRF7970A EVM is a self contained development platform which can be used to independently evaluate/test the performance of the TRF7970A RFID/Near Field Communications (NFC) Transceiver IC, custom firmware, customer designed antennas and/or potential transponders for a customer defined RFID/NFC application.
TRF7970A EVM主要特性:
NFC Modes (RFID ReaderWriter, Peer to Peer and Card Emulation)
ISO15693 standard based transponders
ISO14443 standard based transponders (Types A&B)
FeliCa based transponders (UID read only)
Standalone Polling Mode for quick demonstration of transponder detection
Communication with Host Software Graphical User Interface (GUI) via USB VCP
The TRF7970A EVM also has the following hardware features specifically for development purposes:
MSP430F2370 Ultra-Low Power microcontroller with JTAG connectivity to development environment for custom firmware development.
Parallel or SPI connectivity via zero ohm jumpers Logic Analyzer/Oscilloscope test points for relevant signal observation during code development SMA (edge mount and through-hole) pads for connecting customer designed antenna.
The TRF7970A EVM features include:
• Support for:
– ISO15693 standard based transponders
– ISO14443 standard based transponders (Types A and B)
– NFC Forum modes (RFID readerwriter, peer to peer, and card emulation)
• FeliCa™ based transponders (UID read only)
• Standalone polling mode for quick demonstration of transponder detection
• Communication with host software graphical user interface (GUI) via USB VCP
The TRF7970A EVM also has the following hardware features specifically for
development purposes:
• MSP430F2370 ultra-low power microcontroller with JTAG connectivity to development environment for custom firmware development.
• Parallel or SPI connectivity via 0-Ω jumpers
• Logic analyzer/oscilloscope test points for relevant signal observation during code development
• SMA (edge mount and through-hole) pads for connecting customer designed magnetic dipole circuit

图5. TRF7970A EVM评估模块应用框图

图6. TRF7970A 嵌入系统框图

图7. TRF7970A EVM评估模块外形图