NXP公司的JN5148是超低功耗高性能无线微控制器,具有增强的32位RISC处理器,工作频率4-32MHz,2.4GHz IEEE802.15.4兼容的收发器,128kB ROM,128kB RAM以及模拟和数字接口.收发器具有128位AES安全处理器, 接收器灵敏度-95dBm,发送功率2.5dBm,500和667kbps数据速率模式,带包格式化,SRC,地址检查,定时器的MAC加速器,片内有2.0V到3.6V电源稳压器,主要用在低功耗无线应用, ZigBee PRO和JenNet网络,智能读表(AMR),家庭和建筑物自动化,工业系统,遥控, 遥感勘测和玩具与游戏外设等.本文介绍了JN5148主要特性, 方框图, 无线电, 调制解调器和基带处理器的架构, 印刷天线参考模块电路图以及元器件数值和PCB布局约束值, 用于物联网的JenNet-IP低功耗无线IP网络解决方案主要特性与优势, 通过互联网智能控的制CFL照明灯应用框图.
JN5148 Single Chip JenNet, ZigBee PRO and IEEE802.15.4 Solution
The JN5148-001 is an ultra low power, high performance wireless microcontroller targeted at JenNet and ZigBee PRO networking applications. The device features an enhanced 32-bit RISC processor offering high coding efficiency through variable width instructions, a multistage instruction pipeline and low power operation with programmable clock speeds. It also includes a 2.4GHz IEEE802.15.4 compliant transceiver, 128kB of ROM, 128kB of RAM, and a rich mix of analogue and digital peripherals. The large memory footprint allows the device to run both a network stack (e.g. ZigBee PRO) and an embedded application or in a coprocessor mode. The operating current is below 18mA, allowing operation direct from a coin cell.
Enhanced peripherals include low power pulse counters running in sleep mode designed for pulse counting in AMR applications and a unique Time of Flight ranging engine, allowing accurate location services to be implemented on wireless sensor networks. It also includes a 4-wire I2S audio interface, to interface directly to mainstream audio CODECs, as well as conventional MCU peripherals.
• 2.4GHz IEEE802.15.4 compliant
• Time of Flight ranging engine
• 128-bit AES security processor
• MAC accelerator with packet formatting, CRCs, address check, auto-acks, timers
• 500 & 667kbps data rate modes
• Integrated sleep oscillator for low power
• On chip power regulation for 2.0V to 3.6V battery operation
• Deep sleep current 100nA
• Sleep current with active sleep timer 1.25μA
• <$0.50 external component cost
• Rx current 17.5mA
• Tx current 15.0mA
• Receiver sensitivity -95dBm
• Transmit power 2.5dBm
• Low power 32-bit RISC CPU, 4 to 32MHz clock speed
• Variable instruction width for high coding efficiency
• Multi-stage instruction pipeline
• 128kB ROM and 128kB RAM for bootloaded program code & data
• JTAG debug interface
• 4-input 12-bit ADC, 2 12-bit DACs, 2 comparators
• 3 application timer/counters,
• 2 UARTs
• SPI port with 5 selects
• 2-wire serial interface
• 4-wire digital audio interface
• Watchdog timer
• Low power pulse counters
• Up to 21 DIO
• Single chip integrates transceiver and microcontroller for wireless sensor networks
• Large memory footprint to run ZigBee PRO or JenNet together with an application
• Very low current solution for long battery life
• Highly featured 32-bit RISC CPU for high performance and low power
• System BOM is low in component count and cost
• Extensive user peripherals
• Robust and secure low power wireless applications
• ZigBee PRO and JenNet networks
• Smart metering (e.g. AMR)
• Home and commercial building automation
• Location Aware services – e.g. Asset Tracking
• Industrial systems
• Telemetry
• Remote Control
• Toys and gaming peripherals






JenNet-IP is an IP-based networking solution enabling the „Internet of Things‟. Using an enhanced 6LoWPAN network layer as defined by the IETF, it targets ultra low power IEEE802.15.4 based wireless networking for residential and industrial applications. With a “mesh-under” networking approach, it places NXP‟s industry proven JenNet network layer at the heart of the platform, to provide a self-healing, highly robust and scalable network backbone, to serve wireless networks with an excess of 500 nodes.
Supported on the JN5148 wireless microcontroller, the solution offers an ultra low power platform for product development. An elegant and extensible user API, SNAP provides a MIB-based approach to device management and control, enabling applications developers to easily and expediently carry out product development using industry familiar methodologies.
The following diagram shows a Smartphone controlling a lighting network via the
internet. The Smartphone application sends SNAP commands to lights via IP through
the internet cloud, the home gateway into a wireless IP network. The lights run an
application on a wireless microcontroller to interpret the SNAP commands and
control the light.

Self-healing and re-shaping tree network
o Proven at network sizes over 500 nodes
o Highly robust
o Easily scalable
IP-based networking enabling the „Internet of Things‟
Gateway or non-gateway options, supporting
o Connection to the Internet, or
o Standalone operation
Low power option for low standby applications
o Easy-to-use
o Elegant
o Extensible
“Mesh-under” approach allows
o Routing layer optimisation to low power wireless link
o Minimises number of packet buffers
Highly secure
o 128-bit AES encryption, with
o Secure authentication and device joining
Over-Network Download, future proofs:
o Device applications
o Network upgrades
Low memory footprint, less than 128 kbytes
Low cost of ownership
o Small memory footprint
o Low development complexity
o License-free
o Compliance-free
IP is the foundation of the Internet and globally accepted
Open standards approach by the IEEE, IEFT communities
Low Power, low cost, large node networking
Seamless integration of smart wireless devices with existing IP
2.4GHz global solution and coexists with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth.
Industry familiar APIs and interfaces
Residential/Smart Home
A/V RF Remote Control
Smart Lighting
Healthcare in the Home
Security, fire, access control
Smart Energy
Asset Management
Commercial/Industrial Lighting
Building Control
Environment Monitoring
Smart Energy
The electronic components of a light bulb comprise a lamp driver, power supply and a JN5148 wireless microcontroller. The antenna is printed on the PCB and connects directly to the JN5148. The wireless microcontroller has a low power consumption of 15mA in radio transmit and 17.5mA in radio receive, and a few nA in sleep with multi-year battery life.
The bulb application, controlling the bulb and also monitoring its power consumption communicates to remotes or the internet via SNAP and the JenNet-IP 6LoWPAN wireless networking.

图7. CFL照明灯应用框图